
Woo Hoo!  I am euphoric!  I bought a new laptop, and it only took me 4 weeks to find and remember the log-in for The Bradford House Blog.  Yay me!!!  It only took me 2 weeks to download the camera apps and figure them out, lol.  I still can't crop...

Here are some photo updates:

Night Nursery:  I took this photo a while ago, I now have the exact wardrobe in there.  The cradle is good enough for now (I did the gold paint), but I really need a baby walker instead of a play pen.

I didn't seem to take a better photo of the library- and the ceiling light pieces are sitting here ready to be glued together.  
Here's a shot of the house from standing back a little-

Yes, I did put orange lights around it.  What can I say?  I got distracted by Halloween.

My friend Patty sent me some perfect (or exact) accessories:

A ship in a bottle

The doll chair in Alice's room

A Strombecker table for the Day Nursery

The double boiler for the kitchen

Patty has been my support through this process, helping to identify, donating items, and linking me to others.  Thank you Patty, you have made it much more do-able...and fun!

Lots to do still, not the least of which is to figure out how to get a border of pansies up in the Guest Bedroom.  The shades are up in this room, but the drapes and trim are still to come.  I have the cards Grandmother is playing solitaire with, but I fear if I put them out they will get blown around.  I may actually glue them together so they go down on the table in bigger pieces.

Picture and maps are hung in Mr. Doll's study, but he still needs a globe and a new suit.  I just got the Dolly Dear (or Grandmother Stover's) Diploma, and couldn't resist putting it up on top of the bookcase.

So!  I am happy to have been able to add to the blog, and hope you enjoy seeing the project development.


  1. It keeps getting better and better. I love seeing your progress.

    1. Well, the progress wouldn't be as good if it wasn't for you!

  2. Ah! I wondered what had happened. I missed your posts. What a wonderful and thoughtful friend Patty is. You have some real treasures there! It's fun to see the progress.

    1. I'll try and do more frequent updates, but, lol, I am no photographer!

  3. Yay, you slayed the technology beast! I'm glad to see your progress.

  4. You can't keep a good miniaturist down - even while learning a new device! I love the step back view of the whole house - really gives you an idea of how large it is and just how far along you are! Great work, and mini friendships are the best!

    1. In my next post I will include the same angle but from the other side. But, lol, the top floor is way over my head!

  5. Oh Wow! This is great Beth. I love that you've found blue dressers for the Kitchen now or did you make them?

    1. They were on eBay together, with replaced photocopied gingham as the backing. So I painted them, and added the nails for hanging. I think they are perfect!

    2. You're right, they are perfect:) Looking forward to lots more photos x

  6. For the cards maybe use the white museum tacky stuff. It comes right off, weights things a bit, and can be used in tiny pieces. Won't ruin the cards. But your preference is what will be best of course.

    1. Hello, Dolly Girl- For whatever reason, I found your comments in the 'pending approval' section, even though I keyed in that no comments need moderation. Who knows?? You are right, I will use the wax, and probably smear it with my finger so there is no dimension to the cards. No doubt that will do the trick.


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