
This is the only picture I know of of Alice's face- it is from my original Smithsonian booklet:
Here she is from the side- from William L. Bird's America's Doll House:

What do I know?  Brown hair with braids, brown eyebrows, blue and white or yellow print dress tied with red ribbon and red ribbons in her hair.  She is looking down, but I do not anything about her legs or feet.    

Here are three potential Alice's-  
The one on the right is a blond, so she is out.  The middle one is the best face, but she has a lovely outfit that I would need to remove.  On the other hand, both her arms and legs are hinged.
What do you think?  Take her part or not?  I could end up with lots of glue on her head, too.

The naked doll is probably my best bet, I will just need to lean her forward towards the window.

Here's what I did today-
I was going to do a scan of items for Alice's room...but... you've seen Alice, you've seen the wicker carriage, and Yup!  that's it!  I have essentially nothing for her bedroom.


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