Mr. Doll's Study, again!!!

I shouldn't have done it; there are much more important things to do.  But I couldn't stop myself.  I had to do it.  I know you'll understand.

This is the study- photo courtesy of Mr. Bird's book-

Take a good look at the chandelier.  I think it's a candelabra with pearls glued on.  Ya' think?

Bought this on Ruby Lane during their sale last week, and glued pearls on.

 Oh Yay!
 I couldn't stop myself from papering, and then before it was dry, I couldn't stop myself from adding things.  Then I wanted the doorways open, so I cut them with the wallpaper paste still wet.  After that I figured I might as well stain a door and see how that looked, and well...I couldn't stop!
Not perfect, but pretty dang good for now!

I need to tidy up the paper; add door frames, baseboard and molding; hang pictures, and add some accessories.

May I please put a bug in your ear?  I need 3, yes 3, Lynnfield breakfronts.  I have 2 Shackman for the Library for now, and this Secretary.  I have missed the past 2 Lynnfield pieces that have been offered- I need all the help I can get in locating them.  Thanks! 


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Thanks for taking the time to tell me what you are thinking about The House- I read all the posts, and need lots of helpful encouragement from all!

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