Who made it? What is it?

I've read that Faith kept or made a scrapbook of the items in the house, but the only documentation I have seen is from the second house she filled, The Modern House.  I have stared at the rooms of the Bradford house over and over.  Sometimes I have an epiphany about what I am seeing, but many times not.  Sometimes my friend Patty will help identify something, but sometimes she doesn't know either.  I contemplate knocking on the door of the Curator's office, but then I think 'Being a detective is more fun!'

Here is the photo of Nurse's room in Mr.Bird's book:

Here's Nurse's room in my house so far:

It's very difficult to see the bed in any photo of the house I have seen.  I put a Strombecker bed up on wine corks to judge height, then went off looking.  Yes, there were 4 corks sitting on the counter. Near as I can tell, the wood and finish of the bed are like Schneegas- but it seems very plain, too.

I bought this, hoping it will work.  I am starting to not want to leave a spot unfilled, and have been calling some purchases 'place holders'  So this bed on it's way (with a spare!) may just be a place holder.  I hope you can see it in the link


Patty thinks the white table in Faith's house is a Chestnut Hill.  Now, there are things to be said about what is or isn't a product of the Chestnut Hill Studio, but we will call these tables in Faith's house Chestnut Hill for lack of better id.  The second table is in the kitchen, stripped of paint.  The table in my house is unmarked, and will do for now.

If anyone can identify the dresser on the right in Faith's house, let me know!  I put a TynieToy one in there for now, but... 

Antique Wood Doll House Dresser or Salesman Sample Zinc Mirror Faux Drawers Old Nails Primitive Doll Furniture

...this one is on it's way and should be a better fit, if only a place holder.

The print on the far wall is a Dolly Dear product, and Patty had an extra she sent me.

Mirrors and rugs are being problematic- who would'a thought??

And last but not least, what is hanging next to the pitcher and bowl?  I know it is holding a glass cup, it shows up in all of the bathrooms as well.  Near as I can tell, it is the silver clip from a mechanical pencil, squeezed at the pencil section a little, and a cup inserted.  Ha!  I'll let you know how that goes!

Thanks for joining me on this path!


  1. It must be such fun to sleuth out what's in the photos and then search on eBay for them! I hope the "stand ins" turn out to be the perfect pieces! Too bad you can't look at all of the photos that didn't make it into the book! They must exist someplace, somewhere...

  2. I'm really enjoying watching how you match your build to the original. I think the beds you bought on eBay are a great choice. Some of the pieces may be scratch built or one-offs (like the rugs). I am looking forward to seeing more! (Are there two books or just one with versions? It's very hard to tell when I look online.)

  3. Hi Deb! Bird's book, America's Doll House has the best pictures. The Smithsonian puts out a pamphlet- The Dolls' House- with a black cover. There have been 2 versions of it over the years- the older one has a black and white over, the newer has a color photo on the cover The photos are essentially the same, but for whatever reason you can see from a wee bit different angle in one or the other. For me, having both helps. Hope this helps! Again, thanks for following!


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Thanks for taking the time to tell me what you are thinking about The House- I read all the posts, and need lots of helpful encouragement from all!

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