The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

I am excited to reveal a 97% finished laundry.  The first photo is from Mr. Bird's book, the second photo is my reconstruction.  

Oops, right now I will go turn the mangle around.

I need a bigger laundry basket, about 3 inches at the bottom.  I need a true vintage bike, and a big white bowl for the blanket chest.  I need a wide angle lens, too, lol.  There is an ironing board back in the corner, but I need a longer one so you can see the top.  I need to cut a piece of the flooring into a rug, but see below,  Last but not least, I need a washboard for the sink.  You'd think they would be a dime a dozen, but I can't find one with a metal 'board'.


The bad and the ugly go together.

We have had more humidity at my house in Maine than I can remember.  The heat has not been intolerable, but the humidity is over-powering.  Look what has happened-

There are 3 rooms using the same wallpaper, and they are all developing brown or wet spots.  The kitchen floor is coming up and curling, and the flooring for the Guest Room bath is so curled I don't dare paste it down.  So far I have been using YES! wallpaper paste.  If you have other suggestions let me know.  I assume the brown spots are where I left too much paste on, but who knows?

Ahhh, but some things just come out really, really, well...


  1. Quick question - are the walls primed? If not, the stuff in the wood (not acid free) will leach into the paper no matter which paste you use. I noticed the floor isn't primed so thought that may be your issue. You can prime with regular gesso or actual hardware store primer. So disappointing after all that work but the good news is it's fixable!

    1. Hi Jodi. No priming, I had no idea I should. Sometimes the spots seem to go away. Sigh. The print on the paper scraped off when I ran a squeegee over it to get the bubbles out. None of the other papers have done this.

    2. That is a bummer, Beth. I'm so sorry you're having the issues. Going forward, always prime raw wood. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you that after the humid summer is over you'll never see this issue again!
      The house is looking amazing though and I am so impressed at all you have been able to find and replicate so far! Great work!

  2. Aw, that is so frustrating...everything is looking so good, and then the humidity has to go and mess things up! I would just clear out the kitchen and bathroom and put a book or something heavy in there for a couple of weeks until the weather is cooler, so that the flooring stays flat!

    1. I don't know why I didn't think of that since I weighted the roof shingles!?!?!?

  3. I am so sorry about your wallpaper and flooring! I had the same first thought Jodi did--I wondered if your walls were primed. On the washboard, take a look at this:!94707!US!-1 It's hard to tell for certain, but it appears that washboard *might* be metal. Good luck! I think your laundry room is absolutely wonderful. So spot on with the original.

  4. Thanks Deb! I just went and bought it! I will use the jar too. Thanks so much.

  5. I've always used Mucilage from MiniGraphics to wallpaper my doll house walls. it works just fine over painted or unpainted wood walls and you can use it over previously wallpapered walls as well

  6. I notice your floors don't appear stained and varnished or sealed with wax like the original Bradford Dollhouse. May be that paper would adhere better to this medium than unfinished wood. Also, humidity may be good, because you can copy that floor paper onto Crafter's Images Photo Fabric by Blumenthal for a rug if you want to. They make a number of different textiles that are paper backed. They have 100% silk that is excellent for pillows and curtain sheers. The 100% cotton is good for rugs and curtains, and so is the cotton poplin. I get it on eBay.

  7. I've left this comment before but it doesn't show up here. Now I have also read other's comments so you know, raw wood even though it seems cleanest ,is a problem for leaching it's resins or saps if it is not sealed, waxed, or primed in some way. The curling floor paper could be used for copying if that's all you have, but maybe you have more of it. You can copy that onto Blumenthal Photo Fabric Crafter's Image printable fabric paper for rugs or curtains to match your floors. They have 100% cotton, 100% Silk, Cotton Poplin, and others. I especially like the first two I listed. Silk is good for pillows and curtain sheers, 100% cotton is good for pillows and rugs, blankets, etc.

    1. Thanks for that info, Dolly. I think I am doing okay for now, I am pretty sure the kitchen floor papers will come up easily if I need to go that route, then maybe I will copy them. Thanks for the input!


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