And now for something completely different!

While collecting accessories for the Bradford house, I needed to learn more about Dolly Dear.  My friend Patty wrote the book on Dolly Dear- literally.  I got the book and asked Patty lots of questions.  I have acquired lots of the pieces for the Bradford house, but there are many more to go.  

When asking me what would be my next project, Patty tuned me in to the photo on page 109 of the Dolly Dear book:

The photograph came from the archives of Dian Zillner, and Patty doesn't know where she got it from.  We suspect it is a display case for a store, and is filled with Strombecker furniture and Dolly Dear accessories.  At the time, Strombecker and Dolly Dear used the same distributor.

So...da dum... the incredibly talented Mr. Builder said he would give it a shot:

Ha!  I love it!!!

The Dolly Dear & Strombecker house has been made to show off the three different Strombecker 1" scale furniture available in 1938.  The least expensive, called the Deluxe line, is on the first floor.

Here's what Patty and I have to fill it so far:

The Kitchen

 The Bathroom



Dining with a Dolly Dear breakfast and curtain

Living Room with Dolly Dear drapes

Almost all of the Deluxe line is present, we are missing some of the green bathroom and some of the Dolly Dear pieces.

As of today all of the furniture is out to get ready for painting and papering.  I have lots more photos, though, and will post them in the coming days.

The Bradford house is moving along, and I think I can say nearing completion.  Over the past couple of days I have made and installed 5 ceiling  lamps, and will post photos soon.

If you are green with jealousy, I am here to tell you that Mr. Builder has said he would do either of these houses again.  Let me know if you want his name and email.  He did both the Bradford and the DD&S without any schematics, and most of the dimensions were guesses on my part.


  1. How fun! Another project with lots of interesting vintage pieces! (I am very envious of the bathroom fixtures!) Looking forward to the next update on the Bradford house.


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Thanks for taking the time to tell me what you are thinking about The House- I read all the posts, and need lots of helpful encouragement from all!

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